Sunday, December 16, 2007

About Mirror Therapy

In response to Haptic Vest:
It's kind of funny and tragic at the same time that all the technology for preventing and treating most forms of back pain is already (widely) available. But: the models health professionals have in their heads and base their choice of treatment on are outdated - that's why it's so difficult for new treatments to take hold.

I've written about this in my Mirror Box Treatment series.

Matthias, I couldn't agree more.

By the way, on a housekeeping note, the reader will now find Matthtias' excellent blog series on mirror therapy here, in a section called "Matthias Weinberger PT Mirror Therapy Series" to the right.

It makes perfect sense to use "rehab" methods that are fun and engaging, otherwise attention and motivation will lag, and the brain just won't use that neuroplasticity capacity as fully.

On the topic of haptic clothing, I can see it's potential in terms of communication, new levels of integration re: social grooming etc... however, I also feel sad that we have learned to "un-learn" or inhibit so much integral sensorimotor connection to the natural humanantigravitysuit our species comes with. Could that be why we've ended up with a lot of chronic pain, at least in part?

I also wonder about how much less physically intelligent we will become as a biological species once we've learn to rely on the enhanced sensory input from this "intelligent clothing"... Maybe the day will come when we can't feel anything connective with other people unless we are wearing special sensory input clothing.

Taking a long view though, it's apparent that we humans trained ourselves out of natural adaptive sensorimotor response to our environments by taking up wearing clothing and shoes, living in controlled environments etc., in the first place; this is likely just a natural cultural extension of our already technically embedded cyborg-like lives, enhancements which began long ago with eyeglasses and prosthetics, progressed to hearing aids, joint replacements, etc., have continued on with plastic surgery, implants, transplants, and now intelligent communicative clothing...

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